The Discovery Session

Our goal is to become experts on your business.

Our discovery session is tailored for each project. Our conversation will include:

  • Company history, mission and values
  • Your customers’ preferences and motivations
  • Project objectives
  • Creative and technical requirements

We'll deliver prioritized requirements and user stories to make sure we have all the details.

Research services

Stakeholder and customer research

Surveys, interviews and focus groups can validate your assumptions and uncover new insights. By asking the right questions we’ll give you the reliable data you need to make those tough decisions.

Usability testing

Confidently deliver a meaningful, satisfying and efficient experience to your customers. Usability testing provides a way for target users to test drive an interactive prototype and provide their honest opinions and suggestions. A detailed testing report will guide decisions on features, workflow and planning for optimization.

Analysis Services

Persona development

Uncover your users' needs, expectations and goals to provide clear guidance for crafting the best user experience. Personas are based on in-depth interviews and research.

Task flows

How can you make sure your application provides an intuitive user experience? We provide a good starting point by examining the user's pathways to reaching their goal, and identifying potential obstacles.

Journey mapping

We’ll identify and evaluate each touch-point your target customers have with your business throughout the customer relationship lifecycle, highlighting recommendations to elevate the customer experience.

Process mapping

Interviews with stakeholders from different roles are used as the foundation to distill business processes into an easy-to-understand diagram with KPIs, statuses, timing, tasks and system functions. Identify gaps, risks and opportunities for improvement.